The UB Special Collections & Archives office has moved to the first floor of the Learning Commons building! We’re excited to introduce our new space!

In December 2019, Special Collections & Archives closed for a few days as we packed and relocated our offices. We packed up our office supplies, coordinated moving archival collections and projects to storage, and watched as expert movers set up our new space. After a very successful move, we are now open and ready for researchers!

Our new office suite is located in LC 104, on the first floor of the Learning Commons, behind the Town Hall. Staff, researchers, student workers, interns, and volunteers are already enjoying the new office!

Our new Research Room offers space for researchers using archival collections and provides viewing and listening equipment for patrons accessing audiovisual materials such as the Conrad Schafran Record Collection or items from the WMAR-TV Collection. The Research Room is also home to our collection of books focusing on local Baltimore history, UB yearbooks, and other publications focused on University of Baltimore history.

Staff, student workers, and interns have work spaces for their projects including a scanning station for digitization projects.

We have a designated space for our work preserving audiovisual and digital collections.

And space for work with our Baltimore history and University history archival collections processing and projects.

We have finished moving in and are enjoying our new office! Come see us and check out the Special Collections & Archives for your next research project.
Please contact the Special Collections & Archives staff to schedule your next research appointment at or call us at 410-837-4253.