Whether it’s the 1960s or 2021, finals week can be rough! With the end of the semester approaching everyone can feel the pressures of that big project or a final exam. Don’t forget about all the support that is available to students through the RLB Library.

If you need help setting up a bibliography for all that research you’ve been doing, need hands on assistance with an online tutor, need assistance with a research project in the archives, or need help finding the right database, we’ve got you covered!
Visit the RLB Library Resources and Services webpage for a full list of the resources that can help ensure a successful end to your semester.
Resources from RLB Library:
- View all library services here
- Chat online with a librarian
- Search Library FAQs for quick answers
- Request Curbside Pick-Up
- Request Interlibrary Loan for books and articles we don’t have electronically
- Visit Special Collections & Archives online for Baltimore and University history research
- Check out the tutoring and writing center services from Academic Success
- And more, just visit our main website for all of our resources
We’re here to help! Just ask.
Thomas Dettling, UB undergraduate student and Special Collections & Archives student worker, contributed to this post.