The Soul of Baltimore

As mentioned in a previous blog post, the WJZ-TV and WMAR-TV Collections at the Langsdale Library hold approximately three hundred 2-inch Quad reels that are in need of digitization to preserve their unique audiovisual content. One of these reels was digitized recently Continue reading The Soul of Baltimore

Roots in the Road Fights

Photo credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Bill Hrybyk “Mikulski’s legacy starts with the ‘battle of the road.’” That’s the Baltimore Sun headline that caught my eye on the iPad this morning. Columnist Dan Rodricks highlights the roots of Senator Barbara Mikulski’s Continue reading Roots in the Road Fights

Finding AV in Special Collections

There have been a few blog posts written before about the WMAR-TV and WJZ-TV Collections, but today I would like to discuss the process of actually finding and accessing an AV item that is requested. First, how might researchers even Continue reading Finding AV in Special Collections

Special Collections Highlight: Baltimore Voices Company

Today we are highlighting a collection from the Library’s Special Collections Department (offices and Research Room can be found on the 4th Floor of the Learning Commons): the Baltimore Voices Company Collection.  Formed in 1979, the Baltimore Voices Company (BVC) Continue reading Special Collections Highlight: Baltimore Voices Company

Space, Size, and Videotapes

The Langsdale Library Special Collections Department has finished our move from the library’s previous building to our current location in the University of Baltimore’s Learning Commons. We were scheduled after the rest of the library and took over twice as Continue reading Space, Size, and Videotapes

The Power of Public Archives

Photo credit: Xpressive4ever Dance Inc.  There is something very powerful about public archives when they are used by citizens to improve conditions for the next generation. That’s exactly what Angela Koukoui and her colleagues are doing at Langsdale Library. Angela Continue reading The Power of Public Archives