Graven and digital tablets: new technology at Langsdale

Langsdale On the Go! kiosk It is difficult to disassociate libraries with books. Drive down any main street in the US and chances are you will run across a public library marked with the logo of a silhouetted human-type-figure sitting Continue reading Graven and digital tablets: new technology at Langsdale

New technology at Langsdale

 Printing Press circa 1811; Deutsches Museum Munich, Germany  Technology has become a part of our everyday lives. With the growing desire for faster and easier technology, the staff at Langsdale is always striving to keep up with the Continue reading New technology at Langsdale

Langsdale to move books from the 3rd floor in latest renovation plan

If you have visited your library recently, you may have noticed some changes.  When you first enter the building, you will now see the circulation desk straight ahead, and an open work space to your right.  Our government documents were Continue reading Langsdale to move books from the 3rd floor in latest renovation plan