Intrepid Student Unlocks a Learning Commons Mystery

Curiosity got the best of student Kayla Antoine on Wednesday– she stopped into Langsdale’s administrative offices and asked what the ultra-mysterious “Cell Zone” booth on the third floor is supposed to be used for. Antoine was probably a little let Continue reading Intrepid Student Unlocks a Learning Commons Mystery

Halloween DVDs at Langsdale

Whether you’re looking for suspense or gore, there is something to be found in the DVD stacks at Langsdale Library. That’s right, even Langsdale is in the Halloween spirit, offering several film titles dedicated to the fright, chills, and even laughs Continue reading Halloween DVDs at Langsdale

Special Collections Highlight: Baltimore Voices Company

Today we are highlighting a collection from the Library’s Special Collections Department (offices and Research Room can be found on the 4th Floor of the Learning Commons): the Baltimore Voices Company Collection.  Formed in 1979, the Baltimore Voices Company (BVC) Continue reading Special Collections Highlight: Baltimore Voices Company