What is the Maryland SPDDP?

Need to find publications issued by Maryland government agencies? Check out the website for the Maryland State Publications Depository and Distribution Program (SPDDP). This program, managed by the State Library Resources Center at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, is required Continue reading What is the Maryland SPDDP?

The University of Baltimore Libraries to migrate from Ex Libris ALEPH system to Alma/Primo system over Spring 2024

This spring, The University of Baltimore Libraries, along with the 17 libraries across the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) will be implementing a new integrated library system (ILS), Alma, that will go live on May 23, 2024. Continue reading The University of Baltimore Libraries to migrate from Ex Libris ALEPH system to Alma/Primo system over Spring 2024

Using Databases to Find a Research Paper Topic

It’s almost mid-semester and you still haven’t picked a topic for your research paper. No worries! The RLB Library has a few tips and tools that can help you find a topic. Your topic can be on something you’d like Continue reading Using Databases to Find a Research Paper Topic

Check Out These Databases for Summer Projects!

How’s your summer going? Want to plan a new garden or find out what’s eating your tomatoes? Are you a DIYer when it comes to car maintenance? Planning a trip but need some guidance? The RLB Library has subscribed to Continue reading Check Out These Databases for Summer Projects!

Create Custom Maps Using PolicyMap

Do you wish you could create a map using data from different sources, including your own data? Well, the RLB Library has available a resource called PolicyMap, a state-of-the-art mapping platform with access to a vast geographic data warehouse. Through Continue reading Create Custom Maps Using PolicyMap

Speak Pirate (and over 70 languages) with Mango!

“Ahoy, matey! Belay your carousin’ ” [Hey there! Stop your messing around] and start learning to speak Pirate. Or choose from over 70 other languages and dialects on Mango, an online language learning resource available on the library’s A-Z list Continue reading Speak Pirate (and over 70 languages) with Mango!

Going Back in Time … with Newspapers.com

You’ve just been handed an assignment in your HIST 295 class to research the life and times of a person from the past. You can’t help but feel the dread creeping into your core—how and where to go to find Continue reading Going Back in Time … with Newspapers.com

Just in Time for Summer!

If you are looking for something to read this summer, check out the RLB Library’s new e-book collection, the eBook Comprehensive Academic Collection by EBSCOHost.  As a UB student, staff or faculty member, you have access to over 200,000 unlimited user Continue reading Just in Time for Summer!